This article was Posted by DadofTwo
under the title "Destroy the family, and you destroy society." (V. I. Lenin) and it was so well written summary of the laws in Western world that I have reproduced it here verbatim to enlighten those in India who are blindly trying to emulate THE West. Articles is more of birds-eye view of Western state of marriage.
No-fault divorce was invented by the Bolsheviks in 1918. The Bolsheviks destroyed the old bourgeois notions of the family and the home, and recreated an allegiance to the government. The United States began a social experiment with no-fault divorce with California's passage of the Family Act of 1969. The term no-fault divorce is misleading. Rather than no-fault divorce, what we have is unilateral divorce.
No-fault divorce is the dissolution of a marriage, upon petition to the court by either party, without the requirement of fault on either party. Either party may request, and receive, the dissolution of the marriage, despite the objections of the other party.
Marriage is a contract, and no-fault divorce allows either party to breach the contract without penalty. There is no legal defense against a petition for dissolution of a marriage under no-fault divorce.The radical swing from 100% fault-based divorce to 100% unilateral non-binding marriage is a failed social experiment. It is today's equivalent of Prohibition. Over 50% of all first marriages end in divorce.
The statistics for subsequent marriages are even worse. More than half of all these marriages that end in divorce involve children. Whether these are contested divorces or not, the family court will control the careers, incomes, wealth, debts, and lives of these mothers, fathers, and children until the children are between 18 and 21 years of age.According to the Americans for Divorce Reform, as the divorce rate soared, so did the number of children involved in divorce.
Since in 1972, over one million American children every year have seen their parents divorce. There are over 40 million non-custodial parents and over 50 million children of divorce.There is much discussion about the protection of marriage, and President Bush proposed a marriage amendment to the Constitution. While this is admirable, it will not protect the institution of marriage until we end our failed social experiment with Bolshevik no-fault divorce.
The unintended consequence of prohibition was the rise of organized crime. The (unintended?) consequence of unilateral divorce is the achievement of Lenin's goal, the destruction of the family.Attorneys, who were elected to their state's legislature, or to the Congress, wrote most of today's divorce laws.
When one becomes an attorney, one becomes a member of the Judicial Branch of government.
The separation of powers doctrine of the Constitution prohibits a member of the Judicial Branch from also being a member of the Legislative Branch. These attorneys were successful in creating a complex network of laws that guaranteed their involvement in our lives.
In 2004, the Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court declared that marriage was no longer an institution in that state. She pointed out that over two-thirds of all litigation in Michigan was divorce related.The Democratic Party has been the major proponent of laws and programs that continue the destruction of the family and the demonization of the male.
They have gone so far as to promote misandry (hatred of men) in the United States as a form of political correctness. The Republican Party is moving in the direction of the Democratic Party as it courts the female vote.
As the Republican Party strives to redefine itself, it moves in the direction of the Democrats and is becoming the "other" big government party. The viability of third parties in the United States is extremely limited, although the Libertarians have succeeded in electing some state and local officials in the Mid-West.
Perhaps the most glaring and blatantly unconstitutional example of misandry is VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), in all of its forms. Democrats Biden, Kennedy, Clinton, and other fellow travelers pushed VAWA through the Congress.
Baiden is now pushing for I-VAWA.Leftists perpetuate the myth of the "Deadbeat Dad" for political gain, although research discredited this myth. Ironically, it is non-custodial Mothers with the worst child support payment record.
Research shows that over 75% of the non-payers have no income, are disabled, or are incarcerated. This is despite the fact that academic and government research proved that child support vastly exceeds the cost of raising a child.Our adversarial legal system feeds upon the conflict that is inherent in divorce.
The children pay for the conflict and the lawyers profit from it. We cannot protect our children until we end the Communist's no-fault divorce and take the profit out of divorce.The unintended consequence of prohibition was the rise of organized crime. The (unintended?) consequence of unilateral divorce is the achievement of Lenin's goal, the destruction of the family and the rise of the organized crime system known as the family courts (can you say RICO?)
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