Monday, January 26, 2009

Did I see a Brown Gora

me: Hi
Crusade: hi
me: Have you ever wondered of any similarities between our fight and freedome struggle of India from Britishers?
Crusade: have you?
me: I have. As a matter of fact. since 20th August to be precise
Crusade: hmmm
me: I had just come from AUS and feeling all good to be amidst Indians outside Shoppers stop in Andheri. A well dressed man asked some parked auto fellow to take him somewhere. The auto guy refused claiming he was booked and had got someone from bandra to shoppers stop about rs. 80 in meter. the other guy got very angry. screamed in very refined English for about 5 minutes and threatened auto guy badly using words like bastards, mother fucker, desi, chutiya, bhaiya, hijda and what not.
Crurusade: hmmm
me: I intervened and told that yes, I had seen the someone come in auto so the bugger yelled on me too. I replied back in English firmly and the guy backed off. I was always wondering if I had seen a BROWN GORA who was opressing the illiterate Indians.
Crusade: hmm
me: And the same thoughts are evident. Britishers opressed Indian as a foreigners. WCD, PWDVA, judiciary at the end of day is an idea that is driven by a british mindset. Indian justice prior to british was definitely not the court room based as in the west.
Crusade: hmmm
me: It is exactly opressive in similar does albeit different styles
Crusade: yep, right?
me: I have half written poem that kind of says, Traders came. Kings were dumbos. Traders become rulers. Nanga Fakir aka Gandhi came. He told Rulers to go. Rulers left one fine day. Whatever happened to traders?
Have we as a country substituted British Government run by our own homemade BROWN GORA?
Crusade: hmmm
me: poem is not well written and does not rhyme so it is just work in progress?
Are you, me all become nothing but brown gora who opress our own in a perverted sense of word?
me: Have the traders really left India or brought new friends here for party from rest of the western world
Crusade: hmmm
me: say beyond hmmm, man!
Crusade: what to say?I am reading whatever you are sending
me: say if you think i am talking crap. I can take it. I was married for lot longer.
Crusade: hahhha
nothing like that
don't have anything to comment now
if you can mail me the poem it will be nice
me: it is on paper. was not with comp when the thoughts came
will send it to you though.
Crusade: ok
me: As a society, nothing has really changed. In those days, we had aristorcrats (brits), first pedigree Indians (), second, third and so on. Until we reach destitutes. that is what we still have. most aristos are americans or american affiliated and rest is same until we get to big pool of poor.
Crusade: hmmm
me: only the survivors (middle class) has emerged big which is largely working 9 to 5 and commuting for 3 hours breaking backs slaving for lots and lots of MNCS.
me: I was in the same group too. My desi employer used to charge $150 per hour for the time they sold in my name to A big Western client of which I got little over $1 per hour.
Crusade: hmmm
me: I need to know if I am just having crap thoughts or they've got substance
Crusade: you mail it to me.
will be in a better position to submit comment
me: I mean I want comment on these thoughts.that I gave in this chat
Crusade: nice thoughts
blog them
me: ok